Buzz Buzz Buzz
As your former coach, being replaced mid week
by some jailbird drunk I can hardly believe you
have obtained such a honor
in such a
short period of time. I had hoped to lead you
to the land of "Milk and Honey" but you choose
a different path, I don't think those are "Roses"
you are smelling. I must admit I do have one regret,
that being I was alittle slow in getting the game
up last night so I missed your accent to "Fame"
or was it "Fall into Shit"
Ps: Don't worry about me having to much time
on my hands, I picked up 3 new students.
A Scottish Copper who is sharp as a tack,
A drunk Russain that has game
and a dodgy Old Fish that just needs some direction.
Keep pushing those iffy pocket pairs all 3
will gladly take your chips.