Hiccup, Howdy All
zzHONEYBEEzz Wins it, $9.20 and 7 Ko's, plus $5.00 bounty on BUZZLIYEAR
BUZZLIYEAR takes 2nd, $6.21 and 2 Ko's, plus $5.00 bounty on catneffsealvr..hehe
Stakehorse takes 3rd, $3.45 and 5 Ko's, plus $5.00 bounty on tax128, and $5.00 bounty on easychips
annie22at90 takes 4th, $2.30 and 2 Ko's, plus $4.00 bounty on effsea
Bman2004 takes 5th, $1.84 and 2 Ko's, plus $5.00 bounty on dale442
easychips4u is the bubbleboy, $2.00 win and 2 Ko's
cheers all