Howdy All,
The game is set up, we have $22.35 in extra bounty's peeps,
$5.00 on evll joker, tank leader
$5.00 on EdinFreeman, tank #2
$5.00 on taxi128, tank #3
$2.00 on effsea
$2.00 on 1st out, the turdburglar award.
$2.00 for who takes out the turd, the commode award.
brkn80 will send the buy in to the bubble girl/boy, $1.35
Bounty's Supplied by,
catndoglvr $5.00
Razzys $2.00
Natalie $2.00
annie_22at90 $2.00
brkn80 $1.35
EasyChips4U $5.00
effsea $5.00
cheers all