Bounty's paid my head hurts
gmanwicksy 14.00 ($10 on EasyChips4U, $4.00 on joy7108)
joy7108 5.00 (beerdoh)
allinkim09 5.00 (Razzys)
zzHONEYBEEzz 25.00 ($5.00 on steveisnot, $5.00 on B0bbyTheFish, $5.00 on wetmoose 613, $5.00 on catndoglvr and she won her own $5.00 bounty)
wetmoose 613 9.00 ($5.00 on dale442, $2.00 on annie_22at90 (split with steveisnot), $2.00 on brkn80)
dale442 5.00 (HAPPYSAP)
steveisnot 2.00 (annie22at90 (split with wetmoose 613))
EasyChips4U 3.00 (effsea)
68flash68 1.35 (bubbleboy)
B0bbyTheFish 2.00 (13th place)
HAPPYSAP 1.00 (Turdburglar)
thx annie,
cheers all