$6 bounty on steveisnot
$5 bounty on wetmoose
$5 bounty on HAPPYSAP
$5 bounty on annie22at90
$2.00 turdburglar award
$1.35 bubble boy/girl
Bounty's Supplied by,
annie22at90 $3.00
effsea $5.00
wetmoose $5.00
steveisnot $5.00
horsegirl $1.35
A small note from the head drunk...hiccup
Some can...and some cannot....all for different reasons,
it's all cool,
but a big thank you for the peeps that put up the bounty's.....
it truly means so much...what a great bunch of peeps we have here, I am very thankful for knowing you all,
cheers all
where are the bad beats? hiccup
please post them......trumpinjoe put up big bucks...hiccup
you can't tell me we don't have them...lol
once again...cheers all