$5.00 bounty on Gatehouse
$3.00 bounty on brkn
$3.00 bounty on annie
$2.00 bounty on effsea
$2.00 turdburglar award
$1.35 bubble boy/girl
more to be picked later
Bounty's Supplied by
horsegirl $1.35
eviil joker $2.00
effsea $5.00
annie22at90 $2.00
also $6.00 carry over bounty from last week
cheers all
peeps....this is the last game where you can put in your bad beats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on.... we have to have them....hiccup
lets try to make joe feel proud of your bad beats......$25.00 in cash to be given away
All put up by joe......ty sir